Sunday, December 14, 2008


Apostasy: noun. The formal religious disaffiliation or abandonment or renunciation of one's religion, especially if the motive is deemed unworthy.

Expatriate: verb. To withdraw (oneself) from residence in or allegiance to one's native country. To leave one's native country to live elsewhere also to renounce allegiance to one's native country.

I write you to today from a distant dimension – not distant in terms of miles or years but from a dislocated dimension where I am consciously and intellectually ostracized. This dimension exists far from the mainstream monotony of the unimaginative, imprisoned, collective consciousness your country has devolved into. This is a dimension of burden, as with knowledge and awareness comes the weight of the world and of what our minds are diseased from.

Disease? Yes, acute consciousness is a disease. Those of us few fortunate enough to have been infected have suffered more from the segregation of your simple-minded society than from the symptoms and adversity of the disease itself. You are what makes consciousness a disease. While you exist in an unenlightened state of denial, ignoring those atrocities and injustices of the world most of which your government perpetuates, you create the pathogen which infects consciousness with abnormality. The stagnation which suffocates our empathetic talents drowns us in a sea of solidarity where our hearts struggle to beat against the riptide that is your apathetic abyss. But most of all it is the burden of knowing the truth about the world and being so suppressed by the forces of injustice to do anything about it that makes it difficult to exist in the wastelands that is your collective indifference.

Cruelties, genocide and injustice do not burden the mind of you Americans unless those crimes are committed against you or your country. The innovative sense of individualism said to be the foundation for America’s greatness suppresses any sense of empathy; the greatest potential rooted in the nature of humanity. It has been this lack of empathy that allows America to rise to its pinnacle, with no consciousness of its actions, the consequences that follow or the impact of its power on the devastated masses it takes advantage of. It is this lack of empathy that will ultimately be your tomb.

In turn, many of you Americans, ignorantly unaware of your country’s history and your government’s actions, exist in a strict state of denial when presented with the truth of your nation’s history. Fortunately, the process of systematically blindfolding citizens into absolutism has worked very effectively through the years. This method used the idea of patriotism to establish an unquestioning majority. Americans are required to “pledge their allegiance” to an iconic piece of cloth, usually every morning in public educational institutions. Therefore, dissent is viewed as unpatriotic and treasonous. With such an unquestionable faith and reverence towards your country, if acts of injustice are disclosed, the average American would usually concoct some justification based off of America’s greatness. I highly doubt that after reading the subsequent pages you will be able to resort to any such justification ever again. A brief insight to the reality behind pivotal points in your nation’s history should help bring you out of the cave of denial and into the light of awareness, shining on you the revelation that everything your country was founded upon and flourished from is by nothing more than the deepest levels of evil unfathomable by even your own God.


The discovery of the Western hemisphere was credited to the genocidal conquistador Christopher Columbus who was made famous by his attempt to reach the West Indies by sailing west instead of east. Western history has documented the “discovery” of the new world as Columbus’ greatest accomplishment and had even gone so far as to dedicate a holiday in memory of this “accomplishment”.

Yet Columbus was not the first person to discover this part of the world. The Viking leader Leif Ericsson had made this discovery 492 years prior to Columbus’ voyage
[i]. In addition, the land “discovered” already inhabited over 40 million humans whose civilizations had existed for thousands of years before western conquest.

Upon Columbus’ arrival on the island dubbed “Hispaniola” he was kindly greeted by the native peoples of the island. Thus began the beginning of one of the atrocious crusades in the history of the Western hemisphere. Seen as a madman by his crew, he was obsessed by the vision of gold, being under the impression that this land held endless amounts of it. Yet when the accumulation of gold did not amount to his expectations he saw another opportunity to generate wealth back in his homeland of Spain: slaves. His crew traveled each island in the Caribbean taking as many natives captive as possible. Women and children slaves were used for sex and labor.

One man from Columbus’ crew who later in his life became a strong advocate against the Spanish conquest of the new world kept the best known record of the atrocities committed by Spaniards. He compiled a multivolume book known as “History of the Indies” and documented native as well as the Spanish exploitation of their civilization.

According to Las Casas, “they rode the backs of Indians if they were in a hurry” or “carried on hammocks”
[ii]. Spaniards would knife Indians by tens and twenties and would cut slices off of them to test the sharpness of their blades. Indians had their hands cut off for not bringing back a certain quota of gold. They would burn prisoners to death and behead children for entertainment. Eventually, natives began committing mass suicides to avoid Spanish affliction. Women would drown their own babies to save them from Spaniards.

To make the atrocities and cruelties of our ancestors known to those who live under false assumptions of America’s greatness is fundamentally an attempt to de-normalize dysfunction. I shiver with the idea of my young family members, still innocent in their childhood, being taught history from this point of view: where we educate children on genocidal murders through picture books. Yet upon educating myself on these atrocities, I find myself distant from the actual moral severity of what I am reading. I ask myself in a hint of desperation, have I become desensitized to the horrors of human injustice? For if I were to let too much of these horrors fill me, if I were to let down my guard in the sea of depressive realities that is my area of study, I will drown in a sea of indignation. I suspect that any truly empathetic being can let themselves be entirely vulnerable when engaging in such quest for knowledge. I think there is a limit what the human heart is able to witness before it breaks. I know my heart can only endure so much.

Next we need to address the American Revolution or the defining moment in history that gave birth to an empire of hypocrisy and contradiction. Every year on the fourth day of the month of July, crowds of you Americans gather to celebrate the day this day. The Declaration of Independence was signed and America won its freedom from England as an independent country. You Americans have commercialized the idea of independence by selling disposable red, white and blue decorations and embellishments in department stores and supermarkets. At night, you would gather in large crowds to observe artificial explosions in the night sky called fireworks.

“The entire plaza was packed full of people by the time we arrived. Figuring the library was a fine place to watch the fireworks as it overlooked the entire south side of town as well as the river. We had come here numerous times during the night to sit on the wall and just look at the stars in the serenity and silence of our town around us. But tonight our nostalgic place of meditation was chocked full of every kind of idiot you could find: elderly who were barely able to walk, they and largely obese men and women camped out in lawn chairs, some with a cooler of beer next to them, others having thrown their plastic cups on the ground. Hoards of small children running around, waving flags and speaking as if they had any idea what their country was really about, teenagers flicking their cigarette butts, old women wearing flashing red, white and blue hats holding streamers and noisemakers, soon to be thrown in the trash before the night was over. Making our way through the crowd, any sweet childhood memory I had of the 4th of July withered and vanished in this sea of pompous patriotism. When the fireworks began, cheers erupted from the crowds around me. One group of small children began chanting “Happy Birthday America”. While everyone was fixated on the sky, gawking at the explosions above them I could not help and think to myself how the children in Iraq and Afghanistan saw this probably every night and would scream and run at the sight of this, having remembered the night when those explosions meant destruction of their homes and dead family members. In that moment I had never felt more distain and repugnance for my country, fighting the urge to induce vomiting as it made me so sick to my stomach to hear those little voices chanting in such ignorance.”

This memory serves an accurate depiction of American patriotism and how the majority you remained unaware of their country’s past.

The details of the American Revolution had been romanticized and unrealistically praised by later generations of Americans through the use of theatrical renditions, books and a general overall national mentality impregnated with unquestionable veneration for the “founding fathers” of the country. Many historical accounts taught in your classrooms include heroic versions of the American colonies fighting the British Monarchy for their independence based off the unfair and overly honored phrase, “No Taxation without Representation”. Through gaining independence from England, Americans gained a new identity of being the innovators of freedom and democracy.

Yet while war was waged in the name of freedom to gain independence from the monarchy that “oppressed” them, slavery of African Americans or “negroes” continued to exist for another century after Americans gained their independence. English author Samuel Johnson ironically asked, "How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of Negroes?"

American history rarely documented a value judgment to correspond with the action, as it also failed to speak of the struggles of those oppressed populations. Though there were those events of actual retaliation from the oppressed documented, these perspectives from history were purposely discarded in educational system.

Slave revolts had become quite noticeable starting in the early 1700’s. During a slave rebellion in 1712, twenty-five slaves and two Indians set a building on fire and then proceeded to murder nine white men that arrived on the scene. The governor’s report to England accounting the punishment and execution of the slaves: “Some were burnt, others were hanged, and one broke on the wheel and one hung alive in chains in town . . . one had been burned over a slow fire for eight to ten hours.”

In order to prevent partnership between the poor class, Indians and enslaved Africa Americans when recruiting for a revolution against England, the upper class, appealed to the lower and middle classes with grandeur language of freedom and liberty and in turn began a foundation upon which a country would be founded upon. That foundation being a system of national control to effectively harvest loyalty through the establishment of a nationalistic entity and symbol, “of combining paternalism with command”

In the widely known and referenced document, the 2nd paragraph of Declaration of Independence follows as:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government…”

In attempt to romanticize and evoke a sense of aggrandized self-pity, in the unanimous call for independence by the colonies they retorted, “… we therefore renounce with disdain our connection with a kingdom of slaves; we bid a final adieu to Britain.”
Yet not all humans were included in this declaration. Those excluded where Indians, women, black slaves and impoverished men. Yet slogans such as those reaped from the “Declaration of Independence” were used to mobilize groups of Americans for a common cause. Words of inspiration blinded many from realizing their great manifesto excluded large parts of the human race.

These grand ideals of freedom and liberty were disguised as an attempt to establish a country based on equality and freedom, yet as the government consisted of white, wealthy slave-owners, those freedoms declared from tyranny were the freedoms to develop mercantile capitalism and benefited only those of wealth. The slogan of “no taxation without representation” only served as a threat to their economic security. While 69 percent of the signers of the declaration had held colonial office under England, this document was nothing more than to guarantee the preservation of wealthy land owners, a liberal democracy to keep government regulation out of means of production and wealth accumulation and by far the greatest act of deception the world had ever seen. This hoax, that the United States of America was founded off of abstract ideals of freedom, liberty, equality and democracy, would disseminate through the centuries, maintaining an ideological force of propaganda for those captains of industry like the “founding fathers” would maintain a steady flow of wealth and economic prosperity by systematically oppressing those beneath them with mind control and poverty.

“Since Columbus sailed into the waters of the New World, America has been another name for opportunity…”
[v] America was only the land of opportunity for those within positions of power to pursue their “freedom” to expand. As discussed earlier, Columbus was the originator of American opportunity, despite his genocidal tendencies towards the Native American populations. Frederick Jackson Turner credited this same achievement to America’s Western Frontier Movement.

As an American historian, Frederick Jackson Turner was the author of the nobly argued Frontier Thesis written in 1893 in which he claims those unique American characteristics of individualism and inquisitiveness were shaped by the nation’s western expansion. Those traits are:

“…coarseness and strength combined with acuteness and inquisitiveness; that practical, inventive turn of mind, quick to find expedients; that masterful grasp of material things, lacking in the artistic but powerful to effect great ends; that restless, nervous energy; that dominant individualism, working for good and for evil, and withal that buoyancy and exuberance which comes with freedom – these are the traits of the frontier” (Turner 27).

These white settlers of the United States had come to possess these grandiose, self-satisfying characteristics all in the name of expansion and self preservation through the extermination of Native Americans.
Again we find ourselves examining yet another instance where American history is romanticized with a reverent ambiance. The brutality and apartheid made against Native Americans by settlers were not perceived by future American readers as red lights of moral severity. The unique expansionist trends of America led to a desire to be a major solitary power from Europe and expand coast to coast and thus the timeless motto of Manifest Destiny was written. Believing it was a “divine-related” destiny to own all the land between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, American expansion continued to acquire the Spanish colony of Florida, the Louisiana Purchase from France and the entire west coast whether it had been land conquered from Mexico or Native American territory claimed.

Under this expansionist mentality, Social Darwinism, an idea of Charles Darwin that competition drives social evolution in human societies, served as a mask to dehumanize the inhabitants of other lands and justify the imperial conquest of them. Similarly to Christopher Columbus, the settlers of the west completely eradicated most of the Native American population.

When the population of cities and towns of the colonies began increasing the expansion to the west intrigued many as America was perceived as the land of opportunity. While labor standards in cities and urban areas were yet to be regulated, many Americans saw the appeal to the geographic mobility to move out west, which allowed them to pursue their own economic individualism in the wide open frontier.

Yet unaware to most Americans’ perceptions, this land was not entirely unoccupied. Native American civilizations had existed on this land for centuries. Settlers and pioneers assumed this land to be empty and even when they discovered it had been inhabited they still assumed it was theirs for the taking yet.

Between Columbus’ “discoveries” of the Americas coupled with the perpetuation of white settlement and conquest, white European settlers effectively and systematically wiped out 90% of the original population of Native Americans. As the slaughtering of Buffalo for sport aided in the eradication of Natives, as the Buffalo was a main resource, between 1872 and 1874, two years, over 3,000,000 buffalo were slaughtered. In 1492 the estimated population of Natives was around some 5,000,000. By the 1800’s those numbers were drastically reduced to 600,000 and by the 1900’s, 250,000 were left.

The traits of the frontier were not entirely a superior aspect of America’s development. The list of utilitarian, self-interested and unimaginative traits were no more than exaggerated labels to disguise the pursuit of profit and any immoral or unethical means used to obtain profit. One must be skeptical of Turner holding these American qualities genuine. Examining Turner’s frontier thesis, it is easy to contradict his claim that these characteristics were in fact positive to the development of the American character.

To reestablish the reality of these traits would be to set a precedent for the capitalist expansionist mentality Turner otherwise disguised as “freedom”. This idea of “freedom” is not the abstract characteristic of nobility in which Americans had prided themselves on to the point of unquestionable authority. Instead, it is fundamental to the ramparts of capitalism and the freedom to individually pursue wealth with no sense of morality to dictate the means of achieving the end profit. The unique American character was never an American character at all; rather, it is the character inherent in the capitalist mentality of the pursuit of profit. The American intellect Turner mentions is nothing more than the utilitarian mentality to pursue profit. This expansionist mentality would serve as a justification for many acts of brutality and imperialistic conquest for the next hundred and fifty years.

“While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is no other than the United States of America”
- Ernesto Che Guevara

There is an inherent belief that economic systems or modes of production are the basis of every social order and that in order to survive, people must construct these systems – this is Karl Marx’s Materialist Conception of History. Fundamentally one of the most timeless theorists, as it has withstood the test of time, while every evolving capitalist society has eventually resulted in class conflict. That is why; to examine America and its progress and evolution as a capitalist power, through the Marxist lens allows us to receive an aerial view of how the United States has turned into the American Empire.

According to Marx, society is organized via these modes of production – these modes also shape other important aspects of society including political, religious and social aspects. The way that society is organized to produce the goods it needs to survive makes up or creates a “class structure”. The ownership of tools and materials generally shapes the system of the social class – those who own the means of production. Marx divides the means of production into two classes:

· Bourgeoisie – those who own the means of production: own or manage the capital equipment of society and everything else used to produce commodities. They never stopped trying to make production less costly.
· Proletariat – those workers who are responsible for production and labor of material items.

Marx believed the changes in society occur from the struggle between the two classes. Capitalism, the production modes of the American Empire, is a system of social classes that exist in constant conflict. As there is endless competition among the classes, there is an inherent resentment between the classes. The growing economic gap between U.S. workers or the proletariat and the owners of the means of production will be the final stage of class conflict for the American Empire.

In its capitalist system, the essence of money dominates America’s value judgment. Everything is inherently for sale, or commodified, and ultimately devalued. Labor power is the most important part of the production process as without workers there would be no production. Labor power and human beings are just another commodity to capitalists. It is bought as cheaply as possible and workers are dehumanized in order to maximize output i.e. the commodification of labor.

Now in 2008 this country has reached its economic pinnacle and there is no where left for it to go except downhill. With billion dollar corporations being “bailed-out” by the government, this is America’s last attempt to maintain any grip on a thriving capitalist system. By now, the consequences of unfettered capitalism, neo-liberalism at its finest, should be more than apparent to the eyes of all American workers. Senate floor speaker, Bernie Sanders declaration on the bailout proves to be the most insightful:

“In the midst of all of this, we have a bailout package which says to the middle class that you are being asked to place at risk $700 billion, which is $2,200 for every man, woman and child in this country. You're being asked to do that in order to undo the damage caused by this excessive Wall Street greed. In other words, the "Masters of the Universe," those brilliant Wall Street insiders who have made more money than the average American can even dream of, have brought our financial system to the brink of collapse. Now, as the American and world financial systems teeter on the edge of a meltdown, these multimillionaires are demanding that the middle class, which has already suffered under Bush's disastrous economic policies, pick up the pieces that they broke. That is wrong, and that is something that we will not support.”

According to National Public Radio, "Last month alone 533,000 workers lost their jobs, the highest figure in 34 years." Since George W. Bush’s reign of terror, 6 million Americans have declined from the middle class to poverty levels. The average income for working class families has declined by $2,000 and seven million Americans have lost their health coverage.

This is happening all over America and will continue to happen as this economy gets worse. As a member of the working class, I understand the severity of this situation - when will people wake up and realize that capitalism left unfettered for 100 years has led to the mass economic inequality, creating a class system that keeps us divided not by race, skin color or ethnicity anymore, but by our yearly incomes. I truly believe change will be brought about by those of the working class who will stand up and fight for their rights - this will be where the revolution takes place. One day the have-nots will rise up against the top 1% of richest people in the country who own 90% of the resources. We will take the responsibility of economic equality into our own calloused and battered hands and we will bring down the behemoth economic powers with our strength and unity combined.

Of all the political parties we may affiliate ourselves with in this lifetime as citizens of the old America, there is one party that will exceed red and blue but will include with birthright, the up most allegiance to its cause. The working class of America, if restructured and highly motivated, will form a Worker’s party so influential the government will have no choice but to legislate reform in their favor. These are the men, women and children who are born into working class families, whose ambitions have been simple enough just to survive. This is the party from which our revolutionaries will breed. These are the spirits who will serve in the ideological and financial war of this still very early century. This is our source of victory. These are war which awaits us and this is the army I hope to one day lead.

As a being of philosophical nature when attempting to understand the logic and reason behind the world I wake up to everyday, for twenty-one years I have unable to arrive at any conclusion that would come close to resembling a justifiable explanation of why this country is the way it is, why it functions the way it does and why this corruption and injustice has so successfully has been perpetuated.

But wait, I contradict myself. Because I have associated my pursuit of philosophy with the moral good and just, it is in my amateurism that I failed to associate the extreme opposite with being in anyway philosophical. Yet the only way in which to make rationale out of this extreme injustice is through imposing a philosophical label – granted, a retarded, deformed label of philosophy, worthy of only being considered philosophy gone-wrong, but unfortunately philosophy, nonetheless.

That philosophy which I attribute to the extreme injustice seeming like it is just, is the title “Eugenic Philosophy”. This philosophy upholds murderous and unjust priorities and ideals yet packages it as beautiful, appealing and righteous: genocide under the guise of the ideal.
Our lives are conditioned to believe the complete opposite of what is really true. This revelation might be hard for you to accept, as there is probably a strong sense of denial you have constructed in the face of any outside attempt at liberating you from your cave.

It is important to understand just how deep the roots of these loyalties run, how from the moment you are born, you enter a factor that molds, sculpts and hardens you in the fiery kiln of patriotism. You are a processed, manufactured clone, taught to remain loyal and prideful of the red, white and blue. Therefore, in your very making, of course you would reject any form of dissent, alternative information and enlightening revelations that would attempt to break you from your ceramic mold and free you from the mental bonds of slavery.

You Americans will never know the motivating factors behind the reasons of why you are hated by others. As Osama Bin Laden said, when 3000 of your people died, the entire world rises up and has not yet sat down”, yet when 1.5 million children of Iraq died from the sanctions placed upon the country during the war, no American tear was shed. To you, one white American death is equivalent to 1000 Arabic deaths.

Only those expenditures of profit who feel the heat of injustice all their life from such imperial monsters of the Western world can know and understand why martyrdom seems a glorified solution of retaliation against those forces of injustice. You will never know therefore you have no right to make any claim against their cause.

For if you stand so blindly behind this flag and support this government enough to give your consent to their policies, as you are not discontent enough to overthrow your government to bring a halt to those atrocities, if you can look in the past at those crimes of our forefathers and feel no guilt nor hindsight that the citizens should have at the time, risen up at that point then you are just as responsible for the death of those Iraqi children as the pilot who dropped the bomb, the politician that gave the order, the manufacturer of the weapon. You don’t walk around unaware of the blood of children on your hands – you know you do and you celebrate it everyday.

Every time you hang up the flag outside your home, every time you glorify your land of the free compared to the destroyed states of U.S. foreign policy handiwork, when you mutter ignorant stereotypes about citizens of those countries, especially those of the Middle East, you bathe, thrive and thirstingly drink the blood of innocent civilians.

Americans are not innocent. Your apathy, your ignorance, your prejudice are the crimes you are guilty of. This is why it is time for a new America – those anomalies born not into patriotism like 99% of the population but born into consciousness who are aware of the moral filth and decay of their surroundings and can no longer stand to be confused with the unthinking majority.

If you watched your child, the child you carried in your womb and gave birth to and nursed, the child you raised, taught to read, speak, love, if you watched that child lay in pieces scattered across the road after a bomb feel one your home where your family slept, you tell me whether or not you would harbor an extreme hatred and anger towards the country responsible? Those family members lost in the 9/11 attacks – that same hatred and anger you felt that day has been felt for hundreds of years by families in the Middle East and South America. The people of the Middle East suffer 9/11 everyday. Everyday, family members, limbs, lives, futures, communities, childhood innocence is lost everyday and you still feel sorry for yourselves every year on that one day 3000 of your people perished.

Therefore I cannot make any ethical claim on whether or not it is justified for the oppressed forces of the Middle East to kill American civilians. I do not condone it, yet I do not pass judgment on it. For I, nor my family, nor my ancestors have suffered the same oppression those people have, year after year, generation after generation.

When for so long you are subject to the greatest evil in the world that runs so deep and so fast, unless you have been burned by the heat of this injustice, you have no place to say what is a justified retaliation and what is not.

The old saying “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” is one we’ve been taught to rise above, turning the other cheek and not participating hypocritically by retaliating with the same kind of violence. Yet there are levels of oppression that run too deep to be conquered by pacifism, as reluctantly as I am to say such a thing. When the powers of evil and injustice are so great, so encompassing, so invisible, there is no other way to combat such filth but with strength. Strength in unity, strength in fraternity, strength in numbers and with the up most conviction in your mission – because we are not waging violence and death for the same reasons the captains of industrialized evil are, we are not seeking economic gain or control, allocation of resources and wealth, we are fighting for justice – we are fighting for our right to live, to exist unoppressed, in a state, a city and a world that enables human flourishing. We are fighting to defend ourselves, our children and their children and the generations to come, so that our children’s children can be born into a world where they will not be stripped of their innocence by witnessing death and destruction at an early age, they will not grow up in war torn, poverty stricken lands but that they will have the opportunity to flourish and to learn and to love life. And they will never know the death and the fear of their predecessors’ sufferings. They will never be plagued by the anger, resentment and desires for revenge that come when inflicted with injustice, the same defects that inhibit human ingenuity and evolution.

The time has come to throw diplomatic correspondence out the window. I will not aggrandize any sugarcoating to my concerns or pleas. For too long have concerned citizens peacefully expressed their discontents for this government and country. Too long have we stood patiently on street corners with our signs or written our trepidations respectfully to our elected representatives only to be disregarded. Your government has used the deceit and fraud of propaganda to hold Americans under this city of delusion for nothing more than capitalistic and corporate global dominance. Because you and your government represent pure evil there are no boundaries to which I can diplomatically hold myself to when I speak or act against your corruption for the indifference of good is a reflection of evil. The opposite of good is not evil but apathy. And there is no where you can run to that will hide you from your comeuppance. So know this that we will find you and stand you on trial for your sins of apathy and when your consciousness awakens to the severity of all the injustices you witnessed and did nothing about, we will be your liberators from such wasted existence.

“Let me say, at the risk of seeming ridiculous, that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.”
-Ernesto Che Guevara

The label of “Apostate” used in titling my manifesto refers to someone who has renounced and abandoned their pre-established belief system, or religion, and the loyalty attributed to that religion. Politically, this person renouncing citizenship and withdrawing their allegiance and loyalty from their native country would be an expatriate. Figuring as in America, citizens up hold unquestionable faiths of their government, coining the more dogmatic term shows how America is more like a religion to its citizens.

It is time for me to reconsider my citizenship of America. It is a country that was supposed to be founded upon the abstract ideas of the up most virtuous concepts of freedom, justice and liberty, yet for the past 232 years it has failed to live up to these grand ideals. Therefore I cannot continue to identify with such this illusory bunch of hypocrites.

Instead of delving right into the ultimate reasons you all are despised by the rest of the world, I’d rather sink close to home.

Forced to socially interact with you each day, in the classroom, the workplace, on the street is like being forced into sedation where my freethinking abilities are provoked and prodded by mindless conversation of the up most insignificant topics.

For the many who continue to spill nothing but feces every time they open their mouth in an academic setting: take whatever two and a half functioning brain cells you have left in your unevolved skull and rub them together as hard as you can until you realize the worthlessness of your existence. If you can't figure that much out, just at least try to *THINK* about what insignificant anecdote you have to add to the discussion before you actually say it and ask yourself: "Am I a tool?" and the answer will be, yes. It will always be yes.

Because to exert yourself, your mind, your soul to the greater good of humanity, crying yourself to sleep at night over the thoughts of dead Iraqi children, writing to your elected representatives in Congress, reading the newspaper and informing yourself like a good citizen should, fighting against the injustices of the government is too much for you. It requires sacrifice, perseverance, and selflessness. Everything YOU are NOT. THAT is why I loathe you. THAT is why I cannot stand you.

To debate the real definition of what it means to be American, what the world perceives Americans to be, in accordance to what Americans believe themselves to be and what those of us revolutionaries know to be the real definition of American, the one that Americans pride themselves on being hypocritically fail to uphold such identity.

Because we revolutionaries know the real virtues of the founding principles and what is means to be responsible, democratic citizens and will never successfully reclaim the title of what we know is true, it is crucial therefore, to establish a new identity: one that hasn’t been tarnished for centuries, where we don’t run the risk of being identified with the hypocritical, ethnocentric, ignorant citizens that are Americans. Because the entire world knows your true nature, at this point in time, you are no more than reaping what you’ve sewn, what your government had planted to cause the destruction and chaos of civilizations, generations and communities. You will suffer nothing more than what you deserve. And your retribution will not be in anyway modest.

As most freedoms laid down in the constitution the freedom to overthrow the government if it becomes inept is nothing more than a food pellet for the hoards of rodents who pride themselves on these freedoms but never have actually exercised those rights. It has proved a very ineffective means to even attempt to exercise this right, as the force of brainwashing has such a strong hold over Americans – they would never stand for it. For those of us who see to it that there is no alternative but to overthrow the current government, which has become severely maniacal in greed and power, and establish a new system based on the real concepts of the constitution, unlike those written by the white, slave owning, colonial officers 232 years ago. Our constitution will be written by the groups of people who have suffered the heat of injustice for as long as America has existed – it will be written by women, persons of every color: black, white, red, yellow, native American, African American, illegal immigrant, the impoverished and homeless, the working class, the homosexual community, students, dreamers, and anyone who believes in social justice as a means of effectively running a government that will not oppress its citizens in any form: racially, sexually, economically, or ethnically.

Because we revolutionaries can never accomplish this as citizens of the old America, we must relinquish our citizenship and form a new America. The time has come to call to action all those revolutionary spirits to unite as one voice, as one fist, as one storm of insurrection. We must bring an end to the American Empire before it inevitably destroys all of humanity. Each human citizen has the unalienable rights to exist free from hunger, from economic inequality, from terror, from class conflict and injustice. Each human citizen has the right to the basic essentials of living regardless of economic income: first class health care, healthy and quality food, clean drinking water, unlimited degrees of education and safe and reliable residence. These very necessities required for a human to flourish and evolve are withering more and more each day, not just in the United States of America but all over the world and the trend is not going to reverse itself without any intervention.

This is where our responsibility arises. My voice is one, yet with a choir of many others we can reach our message, our mission and our hopes to those brothers and sisters suffering on the other side of the world. With one deafening choir of voices united in a harmony of revolution, our struggle will not have been in vain. The doubt, the fear and hesitation to take up arms with such an idealistic cause is an overwhelming factor in whether or not you will chose to join us. This struggle will not be an easy one. It will not be instantly gratifying or even reassuring at times. It will be a journey of anguish, of sacrifice, of camaraderie and courage. It will seem like the sun will never rise on the new day of justice we will fight for. The best rewards are not given without toil. Nothing in our world worth having comes easily – our dreams, our strength and fortitude is our only promise to success. As long as each day we fight for peace and justice, our convictions will not betray us. But it takes confidence – confidence in yourself and in your fellow revolutionaries to send the flame of awakening to light the fires in others who have yet to realize the truth.

No longer as citizens of those borders, we become citizens of the world and in turn recognize the illegitimacy and corruption of the Old American government and declare war from the outside. We are citizens of humanity, banning together with those from other countries who recognize the moral severity of the United States of America existing, recognizing us as their brothers and sisters, a separate entity from the factory in which they were produced, to fight the extreme injustice that is the United States of America.

Let this be a warning that we the people will not remain silent for too much longer. Prepare yourself for a mass awakening to your lies and deceit. I assure you it won’t be long until you read my words again as I will stop at nothing until your lies and corruption have been uncovered and I will not rest until the veil has been lifted from the eyes of all Americans.
Let this be a warning that we are very, very angry and we will stand with confidence to conquer your evil empire as we the people will prevail, as compassion, peace and love will always prevail.
Let this be a warning: All hell won't stop us now.


[i] James Reston Jr
[ii] Howard Zinn “Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress
[iii] Howard Zinn “Drawing the Color Line”
[iv] Howard Zinn “Tyranny is Tyranny”

[v] Frederick Jackson Turner “Frontier Thesis”
vi Bernie Sanders “Let the Rich Bail Them Out”
vii Osama Bin Laden “Messages to the World”

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